Black Garlic: Miracle for Cancer-Diabetes patients!!

Sindujaa D N

White colored garlic is used in our everyday food. Whether it is for tempering lentils, making rajma-chhole or non-veg, the garlic used is white in colour. Do you know that dark black garlic is also grown on the earth.

difference of black, white garlic

According to Krishi Jagran 's article, black garlic is a new form of white garlic. Its smell is not as strong as that of white garlic but it is full of nutrients. Black garlic is prepared by fermenting fresh raw garlic at high temperature for 60 to 90 days. It is sweet or sour compared to white garlic.

It is widely used in Japanese and South Korean cuisine.

benefits of black garlic

A substance called allicin is found in abundance in black garlic. Due to this our immunity increases. Black garlic increases blood circulation, reduces cholesterol and removes cardiovascular diseases. This garlic has antibacterial, antiviral properties, due to which the blood sugar of our body is controlled.

Many types of cancer-blood cancer, colon cancer are also treated with black garlic.

How to prepare Black Garlic?

Black garlic is made by fermenting white garlic for some time in high temperature, controlled humidity. The strong smell of garlic diminishes during fermentation. You can buy black garlic by visiting stores or online.

It takes time to prepare black garlic at home. First wash and dry the white garlic for at least 6 hours. After this, after setting the temperature in the fermenting machine to 50-60 ° C, fresh garlic is put in the box and left for 10 hours at 60-80% moisture. After 30 hours, the setting has to be changed again and the temperature is set at 82 ° C and the humidity is 95%. This box is kept like this for at least 200 hours. Rice cooker can also be used to prepare black garlic.

A startup from Guwahati, Assam, 'Tholua Pratishthan' is promoting black garlic. 300 farmers are preparing black garlic by joining this organization. Many communities in North india prepare black garlic and use it in food.  

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