Weight loss: What is the best time to eat ..?
Eating a heavy breakfast is a must to control your appetite throughout the day. If the first meal of your day is healthy, unhealthy, food cravings will decrease. The best time to have breakfast is after 7 am.

The actual winter. During this time .. there are a lot of foods that tempt us. Not only that .. on the one hand, but it is also cold .. on the other hand, no one is much interested in exercising.
And at a time like this .. it must be said that weight loss is a bit difficult. However, Experts say that if you follow some tips .. you can lose weight easily.
Weight loss
Eating a heavy breakfast is a must to control your appetite throughout the day. If the first meal of your day is healthy, unhealthy, food cravings will decrease. The best time to have breakfast is after 7 am.
A heavy meal does no harm to anyone. In fact, having a well-balanced, healthy lunch gives the body more energy. Eat a meal rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. The best time to lunch is between 12:30 pm and 1 pm.
To lose weight .. dinner is also very crucial. It is important to have dinner at the right time. Dinner is crucial for weight loss and a great physique.
Late meals can impair metabolism. Although it is slow when you eat late, the whole process of digestion does not go well. Not only this, eating late at night can disrupt your sleep. Eating early helps in the digestive process
Experts say people who eat between 6 am and 2 pm lose weight compared to those who eat late.
However, this can lead to too many hours of fasting, which is not suitable for everyone. It is therefore advisable to adhere to the normal opening hours which are from 6 pm to 6:30 pm.
Weight gain due to eating dinner after 8 pm can cause fat to build up near the waist.