How to diagnose Skin Cancer at an early stage?

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world. It usually occurs due to excessive UV exposure either due to the sun or UV tanning beds. The UV rays damage the DNA in the epidermal cells (outermost layer of skin) which then makes these cells divide uncontrollably and lead to cancer. Fortunately, skin cancers can be treated efficiently when diagnosed at an early stage, improving the survival chances of the patient.

Broadly, there are two types of skin cancers: non-melanoma cancer and melanoma cancer. Melanoma cancers are those that begin in the melanocytes skin cells that make the pigment melanin. Melanin is responsible for protecting the skin from the harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun. Non-melanoma cancers are those that begin from any other type of skin cells, other than melanoma cells.

Beginning in the melanocytes, melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer as it spreads quickly to surrounding tissues. Melanomas develop in moles or normal-looking skin and they may occur in any area of the body even if they are not exposed for a long time to the sun. If you have moles or skin lesions that are of different shades or change colour, shape or data-size over time, you should get them looked at by a doctor.

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