Reason for the continuous decline in gold prices..?

frame Reason for the continuous decline in gold prices..?

Sowmiya Sriram
Reason for the continuous decline in gold prices..?
The price of gold is falling again as international investors invest in the dollar and many countries bring in reserves of gold for sale. On april 18, the price of 1 gram of gold peaked at 5,025 rupees. However, due to the impact of the ukraine war, prices have continued to fall since the 19th.
Stock market investment fell, and the price of all commodities and investments plummeted. So, as everyone invested in gold internationally, the price of gold increased.In this situation, the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates and strengthened the dollar.
And as the ukraine war and the impact of the corona eased, investment in gold began to plummet. international investors will invest more in the short term and seek higher returns. Accordingly, they reduced investment in gold and increased other investments.
Many countries, such as china and Korea, are selling the gold they bought because of the appreciation of the dollar. Thus the supply of gold is increasing and declining. As the dollar appreciates further, the price of gold will fall further. Thus he said. It may be a good time to buy gold for the long run also.

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