3 Common Mistakes done by Indian Students while choosing an University abroad

These days, Indians are mostly going abroad for higher studies. The number of International students taking GRE exam grew 11% in 2014-15, that rate for Indian Students was 20%. As most of them are willig to go abroad, they must need some reliable information and complete guidance. Now we want to point some basic common mistakes which lead to tragedies.

1. Not doing your own research
Read up about accreditation. If the country you want to study in offers student services in your city, use them as much as possible.

2. Don't trust on Money for everything
Most people start calculate Money they can pay or borrow even before finding the course. The important thing is to first find something you really want to do, and then work on your budget.

3. Choose what your excited about
Be prepared to work hard throughout the term. And for this reason, choose to study what you are excited about. If it is not, then what you have done is just misery.

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