Fossil and archaeological evidence in search of Hub Population!Scientists believe that the Hub population may have given birth to two types of cultures named IUP (Initial Upper Paleolithic) and UP (Upper Paleolithic). The IUP culture started about 45 thousand years ago and the UP culture started about 40 thousand years ago. If the Hub population was in the Iranian Plateau, then traces of these cultures should be found there. Very few fossils of humans from 40 thousand years ago have been found in the Iranian Plateau. This makes it difficult to find out whether the Hub population lived there or not. Some evidence suggests that there was another culture named Zlati Kun in the Iranian Plateau, which was even older than IUP and UP.
Old traces of humans in the Iranian Plateau: What do fossils and tools say?
Many such places have been found in the Iranian Plateau where humans of the Middle Stone Age (about 77 to 40 thousand years ago) lived. Stone tools and some Neanderthal bones have also been found at these places. Although no fossils of Homo sapiens have been found in the Iranian plateau so far, some fossils have been found in Arabia and the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean region) which are about 85 thousand years old.
At the same time, a fossil has been found in the Manot cave in the Levant which is about 55 thousand years old. If this fossil is of the hub population, then it will be proof that the hub population lived in the Iranian plateau. There is a place named Mirak in the Iranian plateau where stone tools about 55 thousand years old have been found. Looking at these tools, it seems that they must have been made by Homo sapiens.