Private schools to get affected?

frame Private schools to get affected?

Despite concerns, authorities have taken no action. These processes should be changed by the government so that individuals who are eligible can overcome these flaws and benefit. Additionally, all schools' locations should be listed on the website. As he stated. Similarly, it is claimed that many CBSE schools in the state are refusing to participate in the free admission programme. The following is what the principals of private schools have to say:

Admission is free from the first to the eighth grade, according to federal law. The tamil Nadu government, on the other hand, has been handling LKG admissions since then. As a result, the federal government does not subsidise LKG student admissions. In the same way, most CBSE schools close their doors in March. Furthermore, tuition expenses are only postponed for up to one year. Other essentials, including as books, uniforms, and bus tickets, are free. As a result, CBSE schools are hesitant to admit unpaid students. As already indicated. However, pupils are being admitted to private schools in violation of the guidelines, according to J. Robert, general secretary of the Intermediate Registration Elder Teachers' Movement.

Since the Corona incident, the number of students enrolled in public schools has climbed. It is the state's responsibility to keep them. Furthermore, with the cash granted to private schools under the RTE programme, public school infrastructure can be repaired and upgraded.

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