Rajdhani Express suddenly began to emit smoke...

S Venkateshwari
Rajdhani Express suddenly began to emit smoke...

There was chaos in the Chennai-Delhi Rajdhani Express train on sunday when smoke suddenly started coming out of a compartment. The passengers immediately informed the loco pilot about this. After this the train was stopped near Kavali railway station. The incident is from nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. According to the information, smoke was coming out near the B-5 compartment of the express. The moment the people noticed this, they began to panic.

Railway officials said that after investigation, it has been found that due to brake jam, smoke started coming out in the Chennai-Delhi Rajdhani Express. It was repaired near Kavali railway station and after about 20 minutes the train journey resumed. No passenger was hurt in the incident. The pilot had stopped the train as soon as the incident was reported.

such an incident happened before

This is not the first such incident. Earlier, the incident of sudden smoke coming out in Jhelum Express between pune and Jammu came to light. After which there was a stir among the passengers. In a hurry, the train was stopped by pulling the chain. Railway employees checked the smoke by stopping the train at the outer. After investigating the coach, the train guard and the loco pilot reported that the heat from the dynamo belt was the cause of the smoke flowing out.

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