Youth creating ruckus demanding job restoration...

S Venkateshwari
Youth creating ruckus demanding job restoration...

In Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, a post office employee started creating ruckus by climbing a 100 feet high mobile tower. The employee threatened that if his demands were not met, he would kill himself by jumping from the tower itself. First he took off his clothes and then started threatening to kill.

This employee is posted as Dak Sevak in Kukanwali village of Jaswantnagar. The name of the employee is Satyendra Singh, while his age is 40 years. Satyendra was accused of embezzlement, due to which he was suspended. Satyendra Singh says that he kept requesting the officials for reinstatement, yet his demand was not accepted. Satyendra says that he has been falsely accused of embezzlement.

Why did the post office worker climb the tower?

The man had come to the head post office on Saturday, suddenly he climbed the 100 feet high tower. He started saying that he should be reinstated. He said that he was wrongly accused of embezzlement of Rs.60,000. He accused his officer.

Officers sweat in persuasion

Police officers, SDM and City Magistrate reached the spot to get him off. His wife and children also reached. people kept pleading for 4 hours, then he landed. As soon as he landed, the police took him into custody. The administration has said that the matter will be investigated. He has been suspended from the job for a year.

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