Shocking...! Food crisis is a problem for children.. !?

Sowmiya Sriram
Shocking...! Food crisis is a problem for children.. !?
Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi has said that there are various crises like the corona epidemic, global warming, fuel crisis, and food crisis. Meanwhile, the problem between russia and ukraine has made life difficult for children. As a result, children are not getting proper food. There are also worse problems like child marriage.
In the last year 2020, a nationwide lockdown was in effect. Due to this, the people who suffered for their livelihood were forced to return to their native places. Many lakhs of people lost their jobs during that period. Children are also among the victims. Due to this many problems like child labor, child marriages, and human trafficking have arisen. In this, the children of field workers were the most affected.
He personally met many children and their parents. We wanted to get the child married at the age of 12 because there was no other option. They say that through this we will save some food at home for the little ones. This global problem needs to be solved. We have globalized economies, markets, manufacturing, supply chains, and information technology.
But india must globalize its compassion. Compassion is considering the suffering of others as one's own suffering. This means you need to find solutions to these problems. Actions should be found for this. Satyarthi also said that leaders should take immediate action to eliminate these problems. As the international economy is struggling due to various factors, many countries of the world are stuck in the grip of inflation. Due to this, many countries of the world have started increasing their interest rate continuously. This can further exacerbate the problem.

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