Man finds out he was born with ovaries and uterus!!!

S Venkateshwari
Man finds out he was born with ovaries and uterus!!!

A very surprising case has come to light from China. According to media reports, the 33-year-old man told the doctor that he has blood in urine for 3-4 days in a month. During this, he also feels pain in the stomach. The person told that this has been happening for about 20 years. Due to all these problems, he also got an operation done in his teens but it did not make any difference. Now when the it did not stop for four days, he was forced to come to the hospital. Here, after hearing the person's problem, at first the doctor thought that he might have appendicitis, but when the investigation was done, such a thing came out, which the doctors were also surprised to see.

According to the South china Morning Post, doctors told the 33-year-old that he was not a man but a woman. The doctor said, when the man was born, his body had the genital organs of men as well as the organs of women. The investigation revealed that the person has ovaries and uterus in his body as well as he is also getting periods for the last 20 years. That is, there was no problem like blood coming from urine, but the matter itself was something else. The man came to know at the age of 33 that he had female sex chromosomes.

However, after the surgery, the doctors have removed the female organs of the man, but his testicles will not be able to make sperm. That is, he will be able to lead a normal life but will never be able to have children.

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