World Creativity and Innovation Day!!!

S Venkateshwari
World Creativity and Innovation Day!!!

Problem waits everywhere in some form or the other, but in every home, class, or office there is someone who can solve these problems in an innovative way. These people prove to be very helpful in taking the team forward. These people share the new strategy and the means of moving forward with their team. It is necessary that such people should be encouraged so that the creativity of the whole team is better.

Who gave this idea?

There are some people in the company or in the team whose projects of New Ideas for the Company can benefit. Team leaders should give credit to them as a team and also find out whose idea was this? With this, such a person working in the company will also be identified and ideas can also be sought from them when the time comes. This is a very useful way of moving the company forward.

Many companies ask the applicant before the appointment what innovative ideas they have given before and how their ideas were beneficial for the previous company? You are tested whether you can solve problems in an innovative and creative way? Therefore, try to inculcate some such qualities in yourself that will benefit you as well as your team.


Various ideas are sought from the existing employees to solve the problem present in the company. Those who have a good idea are also encouraged. This benefits not only your team but also the company. Along with this, the eagerness of giving new ideas to other teammates also arises.

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