The science behind the secret of singers...

S Venkateshwari
The science behind the secret of singers...

You must have noticed that the body of any singer is similar to that of normal human beings. Singer's lungs are as big as other human's, their throat, muscles, and glands in the mouth are also similar and of the same data-size. In such a situation, the question arises that even after everything is the same, how can a person sing better than another person?

According to a news published on The, Vocal Muscle is responsible for someone's better songs. Vocal muscle is a special type of muscle located at the back of our data-face that helps in speaking and singing. These usually occur in the larynx. The larynx is also called the vocal fold which is made up of white-colored ligaments.

Now the second question is how to make the ligaments vibrate? For this, you need strong lungs. When the air of the lungs reaches the vocal fold, then the white-colored ligament modulates it according to the need and then the modulation of the air makes the sound coming out of the ligament sound.

You must have seen that people who stammer, sometimes they also sing very well. This is because different parts of the brain work in speaking and singing. That is, when we speak, the left side of our brain is activated. This part helps to form a sentence, but when we sing or listen to a song, the right part is active which is known for the rhythm and notes.

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