Milk shortage in tamil Nadu from tomorrow..!?
The Chairman of the Milk Producers' Welfare Association has said that they will not supply milk to Aavin Company in tamil Nadu from tomorrow. Milk is being purchased from farmers all over tamil Nadu and sold to the people through the Aavin Company, a cooperative company of the tamil Nadu government. Currently, cow milk is being purchased at Rs.35 per liter, and buffalo milk at Rs.44 per liter.
In this case, the distributors were demanding that the purchase price should be increased citing the increase in the price of cattle fodder, various raw materials, and fertilizer for agriculture. Accordingly, they demanded that the purchase price of cow milk should be increased by Rs.20 to Rs.55 and the purchase price of buffalo milk should be increased from Rs.44 to Rs.68.
In this situation, the representatives of the Milk Producers Association held talks with tamil Nadu Dairy minister Nasser. The talks, which lasted for about 3 hours, ended in failure. Milk Producers Welfare Association President rajendran has said that milk will not be supplied to Aavin Company from tomorrow following the failure of the negotiations.
It is said that due to this decision of the milk producers, there will be a shortage of around 5 lakh liters of milk in Aawan. There is already a shortage of milk in tamil Nadu as some of the milk producers are distributing milk to the neighboring states.