New business: Cannabis shops coming up!

Sindujaa D N

Many small entrepreneurs have come forward to open cannabis shops for recreation in New Jersey. 

There are marijuana shops in New Jersey. Seven medical cannabis companies are currently licensed to sell cannabis. From april 21, people will be able to buy cannabis for recreational purposes from the distribution chains of these companies. Only people 21 years of age and older are legally entitled to possess and use cannabis. "This is a historic step in creating a new cannabis industry," said Phil Murphy, the Democratic governor who announced on Twitter.

There are several dispensaries in the state selling cannabis for medical purposes. However, until yesterday, only those who came there with the permission of a doctor were allowed to sell cannabis. But from now on, anyone of any age can buy and use cannabis from licensed dispensaries. Each company must pay a fee of more than $ 1 million to obtain a license. Patients, along with people who come to buy cannabis for recreational purposes, can only be licensed if they have access to cannabis. In addition, parking spaces should be reserved for patients and separate time should be allowed for patients only. 

There are about 130,000 patients in the state who use cannabis for medical purposes. It is expected that there will be around 800,000 people and as many tourists using cannabis for recreational purposes. Those who use cannabis for recreation can get up to an ounce from the cannabis shops. Dispensaries, however, may limit sales based on initial supplies. 

Many small entrepreneurs have come forward to open cannabis shops for recreation in New Jersey. Since march 15, 327 applications have been filed for retail licenses. The move is expected to attract more tourists to the area. Cannabis has thus been legalized in New York and Connecticut. Sales in both states will begin later this year or later. In november 2020, voters in New jersey voted in favor of legalizing cannabis. A few months later, lawmakers approved the bill. With this, certain quantities of drugs were legalized and the necessary environment was created for the new industry to grow. 

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