Muslim population to decrease in these countries by 2050 - What About Hinduism?
By 2050, the percentage of Muslims in europe is predicted to stay at 2.7%, the same level as in 2010. Significant data, especially about islam, christianity, and hinduism, has been provided by the Pew Research Center, which has evaluated the population growth and changes of various religious groups.
The survey predicts that islam will overtake all other religions as the most popular one worldwide by 2050. The world's youthful population and high childbearing rates will contribute to the spread of Islam. By 2050, hinduism is expected to rank as the third most popular religion worldwide. The Pew Research research predicts that there will be 1.4 billion Hindus worldwide, a 34 percent increase in the current number.
Hinduism will make up 14.9% of the world's population by 2050, with islam coming in second at 29.7% and christianity at 31.4%. According to the analysis, india would continue to be the primary hub for hinduism while simultaneously overtaking indonesia as the nation with the highest Muslim population.
Over 310 million Muslims will live in india by 2050, making them the country's largest minority at 18%, while Hindus will still make up the majority at 77%.