This is the secret of prime minister Modi's food..!?
Generally, we buy and eat the food we buy as it should be delicious and healthy. But there are some types of food that are considered luxury foods. The foods we eat must provide nutrients and energy to our body. The most popular indian foods at the moment are South indian idli, sambar, and dosa. The prices of food items are naturally higher for the rich than for the poor and middle class. In this way, no one can easily forget the wedding ceremony of the youngest son of rich men mukesh Ambani's son anand Ambani, and Radhika, which took place a few months ago. The wedding took place with such luxury. It is said that a total of Rs. 1260 crores was spent on the 3-day pre-wedding celebrations of anand Ambani-Radhika Merchant. Of this, Rs. 200 crore was spent on the catering contract alone. In this case, celebrities are known for their luxurious clothes and food. Its prices are also high.
In this way, the country's political leaders are no exception to this category. Because they are also celebrities. In addition, they have a position and status. As a result, the price of food eaten by such leaders every day is also high. Accordingly, do you know how much our country's prime minister Modi spends on his daily food? prime minister Modi eats only vegetarian food. He eats khichdi made from cow ghee, boiled vegetables, and fruits. He eats roti made from almond flour, okra, spinach, lentils, vegetables, and a little rice. He finishes his meal before evening. He exercises at 4 am. yoga is a must. That is why he is very healthy even at this age. prime minister Modi is a devotee of Goddess Durga. He does a lot of puja. He also fasts most of the time. This is also the secret of his health. However, his food expenditure is less than other politicians. He follows these food habits whether he is in parliament or at home. In this way, he spends 35.78 rs on food per day. Earlier, congress party leaders made many allegations against prime minister Modi regarding his food list. But it is noteworthy that they could not prove it.