Rich Indians are looking to bypass H-1B restrictions and get US citizenship through the EB-5 program

frame Rich Indians are looking to bypass H-1B restrictions and get US citizenship through the EB-5 program

Some wealthy indians are avoiding the lengthy wait for an H-1B visa, while many others find it difficult. Additionally, you may achieve the same with just a few million bucks. Many wealthy indians are hoping to use the EB-5 program to obtain US citizenship and get around the H-1B limits. people make corporate investments, provide Americans work, and get government-issued permanent residence in this way.
The EB-5 procedure is far quicker than the H-1B, which requires sponsorship and has a lengthy wait. Investors may obtain residence and operate their enterprises without worrying about visas in as little as six to eight months. The wealthy are now using the initiative, which began in 1990 as a means of aiding rural communities, to invest in large-scale urban projects like the Hudson Yards in New York. This implies that affluent investors may get the same rewards without assisting rural communities.
Nonetheless, there are still good individuals who aren't taking advantage of this legislation for personal benefit. The majority-empty Glades County, Florida, is currently expanding as a result of wealthy Chinese and indians making financial investments. For rich indians, EB-5 has become a rapid route to obtaining a green card in these uncertain times. Others, however, remain stranded, fearing deportation or waiting for years.


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