6 planets to line up in the sky from Jan. 22 to 25..!!
Various arrangements are being made for the public to witness the event of 6 planets lining up in the sky simultaneously from Jan. 22 to 25. Although it is not special for planets to appear in the sky in the same row, it is rare to see many of them at the same time. Such a rare event is about to happen. From Jan. 22 to 25, 6 planets are set to line up at the same time to delight astronomy enthusiasts. Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars can be seen with the naked eye. But Neptune and Uranus can only be seen with a powerful telescope.
Mars will rise at 9 pm. All these planets can be seen individually. The planets are millions of kilometers away from each other. Although Uranus and Neptune can be seen with a large telescope, it takes expertise to spot them among the stars. This event does not happen every year. This is what they said. The parade of planets can be seen and enjoyed at the Science and technology Zone Science Center on Kodisia Road, coimbatore on january 22 from 6 pm to 8 pm.