Increase in 'walking pneumonia' affecting children..!?

frame Increase in 'walking pneumonia' affecting children..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Increase in 'walking pneumonia' affecting children..!?
Doctors have advised parents to be vigilant as the incidence of 'walking pneumonia' affecting children is increasing. Due to climate change, children and adults are suffering from diseases including fever and cold. The incidence of 'walking pneumonia' caused by chest cold is currently increasing. Doctors have said that the incidence of respiratory infections has increased in children. Fever and cough are more common. A blood test should be done to identify if there is a Mycoplasma pneumonia infection. If treatment is delayed, the infection will spread. Walking pneumonia is the layman’s term for what infectious disease specialists refer to as interstitial pneumonia. The infection can be viral or bacterial but is most often associated with the bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Mycoplasma pneumonia is different from classic pneumonia, which is caused by the pneumococcus bacteria. Classic pneumonia affects the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli), causing them to become filled with fluid or pus.
We found that children aged five and above are most affected. It is only in the last 2 months that the incidence of 'walking pneumonia' has increased. If a child has a fever, cough cold, or difficulty breathing for more than 3 days, we should think about 'walking pneumonia' infections. This is what the doctors said.

What are the symptoms?

Doctors said that if a child is affected by 'walking pneumonia', what symptoms will occur:
* Cold,
* Fever,
* Cough
* Respiratory problems.

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