Finally devi sri prasad responded..!?
Tamil star hero Suriya's 'Kanguva' has become a huge disaster. It has entered the list of biggest disasters not only in 2025 but also in the kollywood industry. Some are doing a post-mortem on the reason for the disaster of the Kanguva movie and are saying that the music is one of the reasons. Some have been criticizing the background score in the Kanguva movie from the beginning. Especially in some scenes, the sound suddenly increased and decreased. Some are saying that it was Devi Sri Prasad's fault, while others are saying that it was due to technical problems through social media. Kangua producer Gnanavel raja himself said that the reason for the sound problem was not Devi Sri Prasad, but it was due to technical problems. However, sound engineer Rasool indirectly targeted devi sri prasad and criticized him. Rasool said that the sound problem was due to the poor background score. Furthermore, people from the film industry and tamil social media circles criticized devi sri prasad severely.

Some directly attacked him saying that this atrocity happened because of Devi Sri Prasad's disrespect for the Kangua film. There was a lot of criticism against devi sri prasad in the media. However, devi sri prasad has not responded so far. His fans have been pushing back against the criticism. Finally, devi sri prasad responded to the criticisms regarding the sound of Kanguva. He said that he does not really care about those who criticize him. There are many people who criticize everything we do. I do not think that two people have the same opinion on any single matter. So he did not care about the criticisms coming about Kanguva. However, he said that the praise received by Kanguva is very special to me. The Kanguva movie album received a very good response. Especially, many people said that the song Mannippu was very good. That song is also my favorite song. Suriya's fans enjoyed it a lot when the song was released. The song also received a good response in the movie. hero Suriya spoke to me on the phone for about 30 minutes about the music in the movie. In the data-face of his encouragement and support, he did not care much about the criticisms made by others. devi sri prasad said that he is looking forward to working with surya in the future.