Rats ate drugs worth crores kept as evidence in policestation...The Houston police Department of texas has found some rats eating drugs, especially marijuana. Hundreds of such cases have come to light. police officials say that they came to know about rats eating drugs in their evidence room in october last year. Here the rats have eaten so much drugs that they have become addicts. These drug addict rats have eaten drugs worth crores kept as evidence in the police station.
According to Fox News, the police said that they also called a professional to remove the rats from there, but the problem still persists. Because these rats are eating the drugs kept as evidence in the evidence room, the district Attorney's office has asked to inform the defense lawyers in more than 3600 drug-related cases to take precautions.
Rats eat 400,000 pounds of marijuana
Houston Mayor john Whitmire says, "We have 400,000 pounds of marijuana just as evidence that rats are eating. The problem is that so much of the evidence is no longer needed. It has no bearing on the resolution of the charges, the conviction or the innocence. These rats are tripping on psilocybin by eating the packaging of the mushrooms in addition to the drugs." Cocaine seized in 1996 was also included in the evidence.
Police is saying that at present more than 1.2 million pieces of evidence are kept in the Houston police Department building. Some of these evidencesare also those which were seized in 1996. These include cocaine. The accused in that case had also served 20 years of sentence. Police also said that these rats have become addicted to drugs, and it is becoming difficult to remove them from there. In this case, harris County district Attorney's General Counsel Joshua Rees has said that last week the district Attorney's office was informed that there is a problem with rats in the Narcotics Evidence Room of the 1200 district Attorney's Office.