Decrease in the arrival of Indian students to the US..!?
It is known that donald trump will take office as the President of the united states in a few days. Not only trump fans, republican party activists, and Americans are watching that day with interest. Some countries are also expressing concern. At this time, the decline in indian students migrating to North America has become a topic of discussion. Yes... trump, who won the US presidential election is known to be going to be sworn in as president in a few days. It is said that there has been a huge change in the number of students going to America after this regime change. As part of this... reports say that there has been a 30% decline in the number of indian students going to America.
In fact, in 2023, 2.69 lakh students went to the US from India.. and 4.27 lakh students went to Canada. However... in the backdrop of concerns over Trump's immigration policies, it is said that there has been a 30% decrease in the arrival of indian students to the US and a 60% decrease due to Canada's strict decisions. In this backdrop... it is said that indian students are now looking towards the UK, Ireland, and Australia, instead of the US and Canada. At the same time, european countries like france and sweden are also said to be increasing the arrival of foreign students this year.