Naanaa Hyraanaa Edited Out of GC - Fans Upset

frame Naanaa Hyraanaa Edited Out of GC - Fans Upset

Game Changer, the first tollywood film to be released in theaters in 2024 and the first telugu film directed by tamil filmmaker Shankar, is finally available. shankar is renowned for having a Midas touch when it comes to music, and he has established a reputation for producing visually stunning songs on lavish budgets.
But viewers of Game Changer were somewhat aback to see that the song "NaaNaa Hyraanaa" was absent. shankar and producer Dil Raju had stated on several occasions that the songs alone cost them above 75 crores. However, the expensively produced NaaNaa Hyraanaa song was left out of the finished version. However, fans were upset as they missed the grandeur on big screen on the very first day.

The song "NaaNaa Hyraanaa" was really cut out because of technical difficulties with the infrared picture processing in the first prints that were made available. The crew anticipates that the music will be featured in the theatrical prints by january 14th, and they are now trying to incorporate it back into the material. The music was removed for just this reason: those who liked it undoubtedly noticed its absence. Within the next three days, it will be included in the prints.

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