Uber has been fined in India..!?
The consumer court has given a fine to uber India. It has suffered a setback for showing negligence in the services provided to the customers. Although many people data-face problems like this every day, many do not care. But unlike that, one person took this issue seriously. As a result, the consumer court issued a relief order to the complaint. What actually happened? A doctor from South delhi booked a flight ticket to indore on november 29, 2021. He booked an uber cab to go to the airport at 3.15 am.
When the cab did not arrive for some time, he called the driver. But.. the driver did not react. Complaints to uber customer care were not taken. As if there was no hotel room, he booked another cab and reached the airport. When the flight had already departed, He filed a case in the consumer court regarding the loss he suffered. The court, which investigated the matter, imposed a fine of Rs. 54 thousand on uber India. It ordered uber to pay Rs. 30 thousand for the mental anguish. If you have a bitter experience due to cab operators like this.. it is better to approach the consumer court than to make them suffer.