Drinking coffee and tea can help prevent cancer..!?
Before mentioning the matter published in the journal ‘Cancer’ of the American cancer Society, we feel it is our responsibility to mention one point. In some studies, we read the details related to them in the media. However, the reliability of this is a question. Because.. after once saying positively on a subject.. after some time, studies come out with opposing arguments. This is the reason. However.. the point here is.. the study report is hundreds of pages long. It contains points like ‘conditions apply’. But.. before telling the story.. they highlight the story based on the point that attracts everyone.
They examined 9,500 head and neck cancer patients and 15,700 cancer survivors. They said that the symptoms of head and neck cancer were reduced in those who drank coffee and tea regularly. According to this study, compared to those who did not drink coffee and tea, those who drank four to five cups of coffee a day had a 17 percent lower risk of cancer. Those who drank more coffee throughout the day had a 30 percent lower risk of oral cancer and a 22 percent lower risk of throat cancer. Those who drank 3-4 cups of coffee daily had a 41 percent lower risk of hypopharyngeal cancer, which occurs in the lower part of the throat. At the same time, those who drank tea at least once a day had a 9 percent lower risk of head and neck cancer. It was also stated that even if they drank tea, they would not be without problems. It warned that those who drink a lot of tea have a 38 percent higher risk of hypopharyngeal cancer. So.. anything is better in moderation.