Now 119 days holiday will be available in UP schools!

frame Now 119 days holiday will be available in UP schools!

S Venkateshwari

The calendar of holidays to be held in the schools of Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary education in the year 2025 has been released. In which the government holiday has increased by one day. This year another new holiday has been included in the calendar by the government. Due to which UP schools will now get 119 days holiday in the new year. buddha purnima holiday has also been included in the calendar released by the council.

The calendar of school holidays in the new year has been released by director of Secondary education Dr. Mahendra Dev. Under this, summer holidays will be from 21 May to 31 June. Including summer holidays and sunday holidays throughout the year, this time there will be a total of 119 days of holidays. One of these also includes buddha purnima day. buddha purnima holiday will be on 12 May. While the UP Board's high school and intermediate exams are starting from february 24, these exams will be held on 12 working days.

One day holiday increased in secondary schools

Last year, there was 118 days holiday in government schools of Uttar Pradesh. This time, there is an extra day holiday due to buddha purnima holiday. In this way, schools will be open for 234 days this year. In this calendar, like last time, women teachers have been given leave for Karva Chauth, while in special areas, women teachers will also get leave on the basis of application for Haritalika Teej, Hariyali Teej, Sankata Chaturthi, Halashasthi, Lalai Chhath, Jiutiya Vrat.

director of Secondary education Dr. Mahendra Dev said that under special circumstances, school principals will be able to declare three days of discretionary leave. There will be no holiday in schools on national festivals. Programs will be organized in schools on this occasion. At least one hour symposium and seminar will be organized in the school on the birth anniversary of great men along with freedom movement, revolutionaries and famous social reformers.

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