When Will You Die - According to Garuda Purana, These Indications Foretell Death!
We frequently overlook these indicators. Nonetheless, several Signs of Death that manifest before death are described in the Garuda Purana, one of the most important Hindu books. It is said that these symptoms portend impending death. Let's investigate these riddles that the Garuda Purana mentions.
Fire Gate: Reminiscences of Former Lives
Some people are reported to have a bizarre vision around one hour before they die. Blazing rays emanate from a burning gate. According to reports, those who have this vision see their former life flash before them like a movie. They experience remorse as they think back on their errors. This is regarded as an indication that the soul is getting ready to go to the next life. It's a sort of introspective excursion in which the individual considers their life.
Absence of Reflection in
It is stated that a dying person no longer reflects in oil, water, or mirrors. Strange as it may sound, this phenomenon is mentioned in ancient scriptures such as the Garuda Purana. It is considered an indication of impending death when a person is unable to see their reflection. Furthermore, their shadow may also vanish. Nature appears to be speaking to us in a coded language. This can be a frightening and unusual experience.
Ancestors' Presence in Dreams
Some people claim to have nightmares in which they see their ancestors when death draws near. This doesn't happen very often. Ancestors show themselves in these dreams with affection, beckoning them to join them. These kinds of dreams are considered spiritual encounters. After experiencing such dreams, a lot of people say they observe changes in their life. This can be seen as an indication of impending death.
Mysterious Changes in the Body
Our bodies send us signs before we die, even though we may not be aware of them. The diminishing of life is shown by the fading of palm lines, which is one of the notable alterations. Additional alterations including skin discoloration or hair loss may also be seen. These are outward manifestations of internal physiological changes. The body appears to speak to us in a secret language.
Vision Blurring
"The eyes are windows to the soul." Another indicator of dying is blurred vision or trouble seeing. It alludes to a gradual disengagement from reality. A shift away from earthly ties may also be indicated by the weakening of other sensations, such as hearing and smell.