Afghan VS Pakistan..! Durand Line behind the conflict!?
The conflict between pakistan and afghanistan has caused great tension. The day before yesterday, the two countries engaged in a fierce gunfight on the data-border. With this situation developing into a war, new information has emerged that the Durand Line is also a reason for the Pakistan-Afghanistan conflict. What is this Durand Line? Why is it a problem between the two countries? The details are as follows: afghanistan and pakistan are neighboring countries. The two countries share data-borders. There are data-borders from iran to China, separating the two countries, for a total distance of 2,640 kilometers. afghanistan is active on one side of this data-border and pakistan on the other.
The Taliban, who opposed this, have started a conflict with Pakistan. 15,000 Taliban have camped on the Afghanistan-Pakistan data-border. The Taliban, who entered the Pakistani data-border early yesterday morning, targeted Pakistani military positions. In response, the Pakistani army also launched a retaliatory attack. There was a long conflict between the two countries. 19 soldiers were killed in the Taliban attack. On the other hand, the Pakistani side is saying that up to 13 Taliban were killed in the Pakistani army attacks. While it is said that one reason for this conflict is that the TTP organization is fighting with the aim of seizing power in pakistan, there is another reason. That is the Durant Line. This Durant Line divides afghanistan and pakistan into two countries. To put it simply, it is the data-border control line between pakistan and Afghanistan. afghanistan is on one side of this Durant Line and pakistan is on the other. This Durant Line is a total distance of 2,640 kilometers between afghanistan and Pakistan. The Durand Line separates the two countries from iran to China.
This Durand Line was created in 1893. At that time, the british allowed afghanistan to function as a separate emirate. At that time, there was no country called Pakistan. That is, the parts of present-day pakistan were with our country. Since our country was under the british, it was called british India. Meanwhile, when the british recognized afghanistan as a separate emirate, an Englishman named Henry Mortimer Durand drew a data-borderline to separate afghanistan and british India. It was named after him. This Durand Line was to separate british india and the Emir of Afghanistan.
In addition, this Durand Line was simply defined as a data-border by the british in a unilateral manner. No questions were asked from the people. As a result, this data-border divided the Pashtun people living on the Afghanistan-British india data-border into two. One part of the Pashtun people came under the control of afghanistan and the other part came under the control of british India. At this time, Abdur rahman Khan was the Emir of Afghanistan. He did not take this matter seriously. He did not realize this because he needed the support of the British. After that, pakistan was formed as a separate country from india in 1947. At that time, there was a problem between afghanistan and pakistan regarding the Durand Line.
That is, pakistan declared the Durand Line as its official data-border. afghanistan opposed it. Instead, the data-border between the two countries should be redefined. afghanistan opposed it. Instead, the data-border between the two countries should be redefined. The Pashtun people live mostly in Afghanistan. Therefore, it said that the areas of the Pashtun people, which are separated by the Durand Line and are part of pakistan, should be handed over to Afghanistan. Soldiers were killed, but pakistan did not agree to it. On the contrary, pakistan has officially kept the Durand Line as its data-border until today. But the Afghan government has not accepted it until now. Due to this, the Pakistani Taliban, known as the TTP, which is trying to seize power in pakistan, is continuously engaged in conflict with that country. It is noteworthy that even the day before yesterday, the Taliban entered pakistan across the Durand Line and targeted and attacked the country's military positions.