Indian Railways Tatkal tickets booking app and timings..!?

frame Indian Railways Tatkal tickets booking app and timings..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Indian Railways Tatkal tickets booking app and timings..!?
Indian Railways is playing a huge role in meeting the travel needs of the common people. Low ticket fares are the main reason why people travel by train. Passengers who want to travel by train book tickets in advance. But sometimes there may be a situation where they need to travel urgently. In such situations, passengers can get Tatkal tickets to travel comfortably. indian Railways has now changed the booking time for Tatkal tickets. We will see the details about it in this post. According to the new rules, Tatkal ticket booking for AC coaches will start at 10 am and Tatkal ticket booking for non-AC coaches will start at 11 am. Up to 4 people can book Tatkal tickets at a time. When booking more than 4 passengers, several people have to book together. Tatkal booking requires an Aadhaar card, PAN card, passport, and other government-approved identity proof.
As far as Tatkal tickets are concerned, even if you cancel the booked ticket, you will not get a refund. Tatkal tickets and general tickets can be booked through the irctc website or the irctc app. For confirmed Tatkal tickets, you need to log in in advance pay through UPI, and fill in the details in advance. Because when many people are booking tickets, there is a possibility that the ticket will not be available when you try to book. Therefore, it is important to register immediately after the Tatkal opens.

Indian Railways has now come up with an application called Super App. Through this application, you can get various services including booking tickets and checking the status of the train. Earlier, railway passengers relied on multiple apps and websites like irctc rail Connect for booking tickets, irctc eCatering for food delivery, rail Madath for complaints, UTS for non-pre-booked tickets, and National train Enquiry System to know the train status. The new super app is said to combine these services in one place.

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