The most recent bollywood actress to grace Harper's Bazaar's cover is kiara Advani. For the december 2024 edition, the actress, who has been grabbing attention for her upcoming movie Gamechanger starring ram Charan, looks lovely in a black ensemble and a shearling coat from Michael Kors' Fall/Winter 2024 collection. Although Kiara's style choices are receiving accolades, her look on the cover has people perplexed and wondering, "Is that really Kiara?"
Many of Kiara's instagram followers observed that she didn't look like herself when she posted the cover photo on Tuesday. Fans began to question whether they were seeing the same kiara they knew because of her striking makeup and neat hairdo. As people began comparing her to other bollywood celebrities, the misunderstanding swiftly increased. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. One Reddit user commented, “She’s lowkey giving deepika padukone vibes, or is it just me?” Others agreed, saying that Kiara’s appearance reminded them of Deepika. One fan even said, “Look at her recent photos—not just the hair and makeup, but even her mannerisms and way of speaking have started resembling Deepika. Miss Ma'am is reaching!” The reactions were a mix of surprise and confusion. One fan said, “No disrespect, but if I didn’t know this was kiara, I’d have thought she was malaika Arora.” Another joked, “PC Lite,” referring to priyanka Chopra.