Mealworms can eliminate plastic from the earth..!?

frame Mealworms can eliminate plastic from the earth..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Mealworms can eliminate plastic from the earth..!?

 It is a known fact that plastic is a major threat to the environment. If human survival on earth ever becomes questionable, it is said that plastic is also one of the reasons for that. In this context, Reinforces the fact that there is a solution to every problem of this nature. The topic of bugs that eat plastic has come to the fore. Yes... It is known that plastic waste is becoming an increasing burden on the environment. The need to find new solutions to eliminate it is also increasing.
At this time... Scientists have revealed that mealworms can help quickly eliminate plastic from the earth using insects. Belgrade-based Belinda Animals doo and the Sinisa Stankovic Institute of Biological Research are also said to be contributing to this. On this occasion, Mealworm larvae are said to have the ability to degrade many types of plastics. The Sinisa Stankovic Institute of Biological Research has been raising these insects for decades. Considering them as a laboratory-based, self-sustaining insect population... and has started setting up an incubator center... It has revealed that they know how to raise these types of larvae. In this process, the larvae consume plastics as food. With the help of microorganisms in their digestive system, they completely process it. After eating, the larvae digest them without leaving any plastic pieces. As a result, their excrement is said to be free of plastic or harmful substances. With this, Researchers say that their excrement can also be used as organic compost. Although this process is completely environmentally sustainable and does not require special conditions, it is said to be very expensive.

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