North Korea's launch of Suicide Drones..!?

frame North Korea's launch of Suicide Drones..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
North Korea's launch of Suicide Drones..!?

North Korean President Kim Jong Un needs no introduction. Compared to the heads of all countries, his route is separate. Whether it is to trouble the neighboring countries or to target them, he is the match for him. Everyone knows that if he says something, he will definitely do it. Recently, the same was done in the case of South Korea. Simultaneously, he blew up the data-border roads connecting Seoul. Kim has always challenged other countries. Now his focus is on the production of suicide drones. Kim's idea is that these drones, which can be produced very cheaply and can carry out effective attacks, will be of great use to them. Orders have been issued to immediately start production of these suicide drones in the country on a large scale.
Kim himself inspected the operation of these drones. Launched above the specified target on land and sea. The drones reached their targets effectively. They hit their target. The Korean army has focused on the production of drones. To this extent, Kim has also issued key orders. They were ordered to make the drones they wanted by themselves. Meanwhile, north korea has started a war with loudspeakers to harass the people of data-border villages in South Korea. The ghostly screams and crash sounds are being played all day long and are troubling the people there. This is called noise bombing. The people of Dongsan village are complaining that due to these noises they are suffering from sleep deprivation, headaches, and mental problems. However, they complain that the same thing has been going on for a few months.

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