Jani Master Issue Taken Seriously by Film Chamber

frame Jani Master Issue Taken Seriously by Film Chamber

A female choreographer has made serious accusations of sexual assault against renowned choreographer Jani Master. Due to the ongoing sexual assault charges in India's film industry, the revelation caused quite a stir. According to the complaint, a case has been filed against Jani master, and an investigation is now underway. The telugu Film Chamber has constituted a Committee to look into the Jani master problem, which it has taken seriously. The testimonies made by the female choreographer and Jani master have been documented, and a comprehensive report will be made public shortly.

The Committee will look at the topic in great depth as well. The female choreographer is receiving support from several actors and actresses. The vice chairman of the janasena Campaigning Committee, Jani master, has run afoul of the rules and has been suspended by Janasena. janasena decided to suspend Jani master immediately following the charges. One of the best choreographers, Jani master, is now collaborating on various high-profile telugu movies. The facts of the situation will be revealed after a thorough inquiry.
To discuss the accusations made against choreographer Jani master, the sexual harassment commission of the telugu film industry called a news conference. The press conference was chaired by actress Jhanshi, who highlighted the absence of formal norms for women's security in the business.

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