Huge loss for Guntur farmers due to Chilli prices..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Huge loss for guntur farmers due to chilli prices..!?
 * chilli prices are shocking to guntur farmers.
* Due to falling prices, investment is not coming.
* Farmers want government support.
Spices are very important in the cuisine of our country. guntur is famous for chilies in telugu states, but the cultivation of dried chilies costs a lot. Generally, black pepper cannot be cultivated in all lands. Cultivation of black pepper is possible only in strong soils. However, due to the lack of affordable prices, black pepper is leaving the farmers in tears. It is noteworthy that the price of dry chilies is a huge shock to the tenant farmers who have invested heavily. Presently, the prices of dried chilies are at a level that is not high, but a few months ago, they fell very badly. Opinions are expressed that only 20 percent of the farmers are getting a good price for dry chilies. It is noteworthy that if the prices in the market are optimistic, the situation is different.
Farmers say that they have to data-face difficulties as they do not get affordable prices for the crops grown in the wild. The comments show that the businessmen are deceiving the farmers by saying that if they invest 1 lakh rupees per acre, the income is only 50 thousand rupees. Farmers reveal that the yields have also decreased compared to the past, not even three quintals of pepper per acre are being produced.

It remains to be seen whether the ap government will take any steps to support the guntur pepper farmers. It can be said that any decisions from the government will be good for the farmers of Guntur. guntur chilli has a good reputation irrespective of region. If the government does not support the farmers, there is a chance that the number of farmers cultivating chili will decrease in the coming days. It is known that although Chandrababu Sarkar announced many schemes for farmers in his manifesto, the number of schemes implemented in them is less. The government has to implement the schemes related to the farmers quickly.

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