Why is hanging done in the morning in India?

Kokila Chokkanathan

Why is hanging done in the morning in India?

In India, death penalty is given for any heinous crime. The biggest punishment in our country is death penalty. Apart from India, death penalty is given in other countries as well, although its methods are different. In India, death penalty is always given in the morning. In such a situation, the question arises that why is the death penalty given in the morning. Let's know.The time of hanging is fixed early in the morning so that under the jail manual, all the work of the jail is done after sunrise. The time is chosen to hang the criminal so that the rest of the work of the jail is not affected due to hanging.

Why does the executioner apologize before hanging?

Before hanging, the executioner says that I should be forgiven. Ram-Ram to Hindu brothers, Salam to Muslim brothers, what can we do, we are slaves of orders. There is no fixed time for how long the body should be kept hanging on the noose, but the accused who is hanged is hanged for about 10 minutes. The medical team examines the body 10 minutes after the hanging. At the time of hanging, it is very important for the executive magistrate, jail superintendent and the executioner to be present there, hanging cannot be done in the absence of any of these. However, all of them are told the day and time of hanging in advance. If there is no emergency, then these people reach there before that time.

What are the judicial reasons?

According to the indian legal system, the process of giving death penalty is done in such a way that justice and human rights can be ensured. The tradition of hanging in the morning ensures that the punishment is given according to the entire process and without any kind of hurry or accident. This also ensures that the culprit can get complete information about the process of justice at the last moment and he can get enough time to prepare for the funeral. Hanging in the morning helps the jail authorities to manage the entire process. In the morning light, the activities of the jail are more organized and the officials get enough time to implement the punishment process properly.

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