Indian Student in Denmark Detained for Supporting BJP

frame Indian Student in Denmark Detained for Supporting BJP

Europe is often bragging about how accepting and accommodating its immigrant population is. But all went wrong when an indian student, who was in denmark recently to attend an event organized by the Overseas Friend of bjp (OFBJP), made some grave accusations against them.
On august 31, Srushti Hode, a student in the UK originally from Maharashtra, traveled to Copenhagen for the OFBJP conference, which focused on the 11-nation indian diaspora. Everything went smoothly, but there was a difficulty when she attempted to exit the nation. She might not have expected to be detained at the airport for overstaying by Danish immigration officials. Hode, however, asserts that she has registered for a two-day visa and that her flight was delayed.
She said that the reason she was imprisoned was because the authorities knew about her affiliation with the bjp from her social media posts. When she said that she was left waiting at the airport for almost 24 hours without food, tea, or coffee, these accusations became more serious!

For a student who was only permitted to return to the UK when bjp leaders intervened, this seems like a harsh penalty. Neither the Danish government nor the bjp have released an official statement. All that remains is Srushti's account, who further states that she was denied admission into the european union for two years as a result of the incident. The indian government need to investigate the situation and assist her in removing this arbitrary prohibition.


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