The court ordered to release Vikram's Thangalaan..!?
Starring actor vikram and directed by Ranjith, 'Thangalan' tells the story of gold miners during the british era. The film's release is in question due to financial issues with the film's producer, Gnanavel Raja. However, due to the court order, the film is releasing as planned. On the occasion of Independence Day, 'Thangalan' directed by Pa Ranjith and starring actor vikram is releasing tomorrow. While the film is based on the story of the tribal people who dig for gold, the director Pa Ranjith has also told how the tribal people were enslaved to extract gold during the british era.
The film has been made on a budget of around 100 crores to 150 crores and has been produced by producer Gnanavel raja on behalf of Studio Green. director Pa Ranjith is the co-producer. Actress parvathy thiruvothu has played opposite actor vikram in this film, while actress malavika mohanan has played the role of Avantika, a witch. A lot of stars have also acted in this movie.