Phir Aayi, directed by Jayprad Desai and written by kanika dhillon The sequel to the 2021 noir thriller Hasseen Dillruba, which was among the most popular original content on Netflix india that year, is titled Hasseen Dillruba. After Neel's murder, Rani and rishabh are now living different lives under new identities as the sequel takes up. In an attempt to leave the nation and live happily ever after, they meet in secret. But when Neel's police officer uncle Montu reopens the Neel death inquiry, their intentions are derailed.
Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba plunges into a maze of falsehoods, trickery, and shocking turns. The sequel alternates between past and present timelines, just like the original movie did. It draws viewers into its universe right away with an interesting opening. A shocking twist is revealed at the interval. Unfortunately, the second half wanes much like the first.
The storyline overreaches, and the several turns ultimately impede rather than advance the story. Additionally, the way the characters' relationships change is strained and implausible. Positively, the performances are noteworthy. taapsee pannu looks amazing and excels on film once more. vikrant massey skilfully contributes to the mayhem, while Sunny Kaushal gives an unexpected performance. Poor writing disappoints Aditya Srivastava and jimmy Shergill. Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba doesn't live up to expectations overall.