Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who has dominated the South Asian big screen for almost ten years, appears to be concentrating on her bollywood career. It is said that she is choosing her movie parts carefully, taking help from bollywood producers. samantha was told not to do special dance routines like Oo Antava... from Pushpa: The Rise, according to a source. She declined an invitation to sing a similar song in Pushpa: The Rule, citing schedule constraints as the cause.
Additionally, it's said that Samantha's bollywood directors have advised her to concentrate on roles that center around heroines to preserve her attractiveness and brand value. They think samantha would be able to make a bigger impact in bollywood if she plays some powerful parts. samantha is careful when selecting projects that provide significant roles over dance numbers that reach the top of the charts, even if she recognizes the potential of a thrilling item song.
Samantha is giving priority to parts that allow her to showcase her acting abilities more, even in light of her colleague tamannaah Bhatia's success in item songs. She has turned down offers for item songs totaling more than Rs 3 crore, preferring to concentrate on endeavors that can further her bollywood career. The television series Honey bunny is one such project that might aid in her rise to prominence in the hindi cinema business, as could another one with family matriarch filmmakers raj and DK.