Recently, rashmika mandanna made an appearance on telugu Indian Idol 3 as a guest judge. The Aha OTT platform aired the 16th and 17th episodes of the program. rashmika discussed Allu Arjun's upcoming film pushpa 2, which has often been delayed, during her visit. She revealed that it was difficult to film a certain song. In particular, it required several hours to perfect the data-alignment of her hand motions with the camera lens. social media users have been posting snippets of the program, and they are angry over the delays.
They believe that pushpa 2's production must be taking a long time if such a simple dance move required so much effort. director Sukumar is being criticized by many for wasting time and paying too much attention to little matters. They contend that he ought to refrain from being so meticulous and wrap up the movie without needless delays.
Netizens are also voicing dissatisfaction about Sukumar's tendency to focus on little problems while ignoring more serious ones, such as pushpa 1's sound synchronization problems. Even if he spends far longer than necessary to finish the movie, he still produces subpar work.