It is reported that vijay deverakonda and gowtam tinnanuri are collaborating on VD12, which is now in the filming stage. The film's producers just revealed that it would be released on march 28, 2025, and they did so by releasing a poster featuring Vijay. With his cropped hair and full beard, Vijay seems like he's had a tough makeover for the movie.
This is not like anything he's ever done before. Even though it was previously established that the movie is a gripping police thriller, this new poster sticks to the cliché and conveys the intensity of the story. It's encouraging to see Vijay go out and do an unusual action. This time, it seems like he and gowtam tinnanuri are coming up with something very compelling.
The movie, which has the working title VD12, will be released on march 28. This actioner is being financed by sithara Entertainments. The movie is coming out at the height of summer, which is normally a profitable time for telugu films. The cause will benefit from the Ugadi weekend. This time around, Vijay has high possibilities with a competent staff in gowtam and Anirudh.