Actor john abraham took aim at a journalist who claimed that he was becoming repetitious by filming consecutive action films during the Vedaa trailer premiere in Mumbai. In response, john abraham asked a journalist, "Can I call out bad questions and idiots?" and then he said, "Have you seen the movie?" john answered, "Watch the film and then judge," in response to the reporter's statement that he had watched the trailer. Next, I'm entirely yours. Regardless of what you say. However, I'm going to turn back and destroy you if you're mistaken."
Tamannaah, john Abraham's co-star in the movie, has now posted a lengthy message on X, stating that the movie should not be judged just yet since it still has a lot of potential. "I promise you that Vedaa is more than just an action movie—don't judge it by its cover! One of the country's favourite action heroes, my buddy john abraham, is adding his amazing impact to a genre he has complete mastery over. This time, he's using action to tell a different type of tale, demonstrating how powerfully this genre can still evoke important cinematic experiences in our times," she added.
The Baahubali star added in her post, "What's even more exciting, personally to me, is that Nikhil Advani is returning to the director's chair after 6 or 7 years, which adds yet another layer of anticipation to our film. I can't miss on mentioning #Sharvari here and how I just can't wait for y'all to see her kill it on the big screen yet again."