OTT Rejects - A Big Blow to Shankar!
The distributor/producer split is under 70 crores. This stands in sharp contrast to its large 250 crore production budget, which has resulted in large losses. After the movie was utterly rejected, early indications indicated that indian 2 will be released early on streaming services. It seems, nevertheless, that there will be a delay in its publication.
The movie's poor performance has been a big obstacle for its OTT distribution. At first, Netflix supposedly paid between 100 and 120 crores to acquire the streaming rights to indian 2. However, Netflix refuses to uphold the previously agreed-upon 120 crores and is instead demanding a sizable refund. OTT platforms have begun modifying their final arrangements lately in response to a movie's box office performance.
As a result, talks between Netflix and the indian 2 producers are in progress, delaying the movie's OTT debut. A major setback for a filmmaker of Shankar's calibre is that OTT has refused to show indian 2. shankar must have been very troubled by the movie's box office collapse and the issues surrounding its over-the-top (OTT) distribution, as he had never experienced such rejection. With Game Changer, which is expected to rebuild Shankar's career and bring him the kind of success that his earlier films have had, fans and industry watchers are now looking for a spectacular return from the actor.