People frequently have unexpected encounters with strangers in the busy pace of city life. Recently, Avi krishna Natesan, an instagram user, experienced a situation while riding in an uber autorickshaw. She found out about the car driver's fondness for flowers throughout their talk. Her next action is quite endearing. She used paper to make a rose, which she gave to the driver. His amazing expression of astonishment and joy is what adds to the video's heartwarming quality.
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This journey was really enjoyable! We got into a lengthy discussion about farming and how much he loves the outdoors and how he truly connects with it. Fortunately, I had some coloured A4 paper, so I used it to create this adorable tiny rose. In a video she posted, she said, "It's just something small, didn't think much, but his reaction was soooo cute (wish I had more time to make a stem and all)."
She may be seen talking to the vehicle driver in the footage. As the video goes on, she pulls out a piece of red paper and uses it to create a lovely rose. When she finally shows her origami masterpiece to the car driver, he smiles beautifully. The flower is then placed inside his car in front of a Ganesh image.