Google Supports Kamala and Not Trump - Elon Musk Accuses

Propaganda is necessary for politics, and the US elections are not exempt from it. people are in a position where they are unsure of what to believe and what is not because of the enormous split between the republicans and Democrats. Supporter of donald trump Elon Musk has charged google of manipulating elections ahead of time. 

Elon Musk has accused google of meddling in the elections and issued a dire warning, saying that the consequences might be severe. He claims that donald trump can no longer be found on Google. He provided the screenshot to back up his assertion. President Donald Duck and President Reagan were the first results that appeared while searching for President Donald in that screenshot. This has infuriated the republicans, who have labelled it electoral meddling.

Many online users retaliated against Elon Musk by reminding him of how X has blocked millions of accounts globally. We conducted a search on President trump to verify his allegation, and the first result to come up was Donald Trump. Since it appears to be nonexistent elsewhere, it is unclear if this purported prohibition is limited to the United States.

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