Why Paris 2024 Will Be The Most High-Risk Olympics In History?

Due to a mix of increased geopolitical tensions throughout the world and domestic French unrest, the olympic games in paris will be among the most dangerous in history. Deep internal tensions exist in France; organisers have difficult obstacles due to the nation's unstable political environment and the possibility of protests turning violent.
Security risks are further exacerbated by the current state of global geopolitics, which is characterised by heightened tensions between major nations. The olympics may be a target for state-sponsored entities looking to use the competition to further their own objectives. The organisers are taking extraordinary security precautions in response to these increased concerns, which include sending out a record number of security officers.
Over 30,000 police officers—which can reach a record 45,000 during peak hours—will be on duty during the four weeks of the olympics and Paralympics in the Paris-area Ile-de-France region. To strengthen security measures, police units from around europe will be added to them.

Islamist Terror

The threat from Islamist terrorist networks is a serious worry.
This vulnerability is highlighted by prior attacks on athletic and cultural events as well as accounts of efforts that the French government has thwarted.
This risk is increased by the Israeli-Hamas conflict's intensification after the terror assault on october 7, 2023. terrorists with an Islamist agenda may take advantage of the circumstances to portray themselves as protectors of Muslims and Palestinians, aiming not only against israel but also at Western nations that back Israel.
Given that it functions as an umbrella organisation that provides rationale, motivation, and identity to lone actors and small cells acting under its banner, Daesh (ISIS) becomes the main suspect.

Complicating matters is the potential that Hamas is operating on european soil, as shown by the arrests that have taken place in germany and Denmark.
Prioritising israel, Hamas has historically isolated itself from global Islamist terrorist networks like Daesh and Al Qaeda. Since october 7, though, the battle has taken on a more global Arab and Muslim dimension, pitting them against an ethically tainted West that continues to back Israel.
There is a chance that this alliance may result in Daesh and Hamas working together.The horrific olympics in Munich in 1972 serve as a sobering reminder of how susceptible such events are. The risks are highlighted by Black September's hostage-taking, Israeli athletes' deaths, and their penetration of the Olympic Village.

Given the anti-Semitic climate in europe and historical justifications for acts against Israelis, there is a possibility that Israeli athletes and spectators could data-face increased danger at the paris Olympics.

Deadly Threats

Potential dangers include planted bombs, suicide bombers, and hostage-taking.
Suicide bombs are still a risk even if they are becoming less frequent in Europe. The intricate nature of intelligence collection and monitoring need global collaboration to prevent such assaults.
The catastrophic potential of shooting sprees in populated settings is highlighted by the recent assaults in moscow by extremists linked with ISIS, and the experience of france with knife and car attacks raises further concerns.
The worst-case scenario entails several, concurrent assaults on different targets and sites, ranging from sports arenas to churches and synagogues, using a variety of techniques.

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