What The Hit movie coming to OTT in just 2 weeks

Within a week or two of their theatrical premieres, we find certain films with unknown performers available for streaming on over-the-top services. However, Netflix has now revealed something quite unexpected. Gangs of Godavari, which stars a well-known hero in Vishwak Sen and has a respectable cast, will be available for Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and kannada language viewing on Netflix on june 14. This is precisely 14 days after the film's theatrical debut.
Furthermore, the movie is not a low-budget production; rather, it is produced by the renowned production company sithara Entertainments. The rapid shift to OTT might have an effect on how people view performers like Vishwak Sen. Viewers may begin to anticipate that his upcoming pictures will be accessible on streaming services in a matter of a week or two, which might have an impact on their choice to see his flicks in theatres.
In response to Netflix's news on the streaming date, a netizen said, "If our producers are willingly allowing this to happen, then something seriously fucked up is happening with them." This happens far too soon. Most of the netizens expressed their shock as the movie never even completed 15 days! 

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