USA Doesn't Want to Comment on India's Result on LS polls

While applauding India's legislative elections as the "largest exercise of democracy in history" on tuesday, the US remained silent on the polling data. The indian government and its electorate were praised by US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller for the smooth conclusion of the extensive electoral process.
Miller stressed that the US is looking forward to seeing the final results and that they would not be making comments on global election victors and losers. Miller said this in response to a query on the tuesday Lok Sabha elections in india, where the results for certain seats were still pending.

"The election results are still pending." Therefore, before we make a firm statement, we will wait for the election results to be finalised. As is the case globally, I will refrain from commenting on election victors and losers. What matters to us and what we have witnessed over the last six weeks is the greatest democratic exercise in history, as the people of india went to the polls. We would want to express our gratitude to the indian government and people for organising and carrying out such a large-scale election process on behalf of the United States. We're excited to see the outcomes in the end," Matthew Miller remarked.

Miller refuted claims that Western nations, particularly the US, had influenced elections in India.
"We'll always be honest and transparent in sharing our opinions. We discuss them in private with foreign governments and, when we have concerns, we discuss them in public, including from this platform. I have taken that action. However, Miller clarified that this is not an attempt to sway an election in india or anyplace else.
He expressed his expectation that the US and india will maintain their strong friendship.

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