"Please don't hit me," a mob attacked Raveena Tandon...

S Venkateshwari
"Please don't hit me," a mob attacked Raveena Tandon...

On saturday night, amid allegations of reckless driving, a crowd in mumbai is said to have attacked bollywood actress raveena tandon and her driver.

When a video of actress raveena tandon being heckled by a crowd appeared on social media on Sunday, her admirers were incensed. A group is seen berating her in the footage and claiming that her car struck them. Contrary to popular belief, Tondon was not intoxicated, according to a source. The second party acknowledged to the authorities that they had not been struck by her automobile, saying, "Agar gaadichhujaati toh." Her driver was attacked by them. She motioned for him to enter the house. The assertion that he fled is untrue. Additionally, the source states, "Tandon's car doesn't hit anyone in the CCTV footage from june 1."

Regarding the claims that she struck people, the insider states, "They raised a commotion outside the gate of her Bandra, mumbai, mansion. As you can see in the video, Tandon was attempting to calm them down by pleading with them not to hit the driver. The mob also dragged her watchman. Staff members of Tandon have provided statements to mumbai Police. She was being mistreated by the group, so she became enraged and had to defend herself. Rasha and Ranbir, her children, were inside when she blocked their entry by standing in front of the gate.

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